Community Hall
Hall Manager: Kristin Lozinski
Ph: 780-686-1994
Email: calahoohall@gmail.com

Calahoo Hills Golf Course
54410 Range Rd 280, Sturgeon County, AB T8R 1Z5
Clubhouse: (780) 459-9081
Arena & Ball Diamonds

Ice Availability and Booking
Visit our Availability and Booking page to view and book open ice slots.
Ph: 780-967-0393
Mon-Fri: 4:30pm – 10:30pm
Sat: 10:00am-10:00pm
Sun: 10:am – 8:00pm
PUBLIC SKATING: Sundays, 5:15pm – 6:30pm
Arena/ Facilities Manager: Sean Mazur
Arena Ph: 780-967-5080
Cell Ph: 780-554-6719
Email: calahooarenasean@gmail.com
Hockey information…
Operations Manager: Carolyn Reich
Ph: 587-991-9727
Email: calahooarena@gmail.com
Contact the operations manager about ice rentals, arena advertising, upstairs hall rental, ball diamond rental, ball diamond advertising and our new recreational land access to walking trails.
Calahoo Fire Department
Calahoo is proud to have its very own volunteer fire department!!
This small but mighty department is made up of individuals from within the community who have dedicated their time to attain the training and skills required to come to the help of those in need during an emergency – whatever that emergency may be!
Practices are held every Monday night from 7:00 – 9:00 pm.
Interested? Come any Monday night.
Members should be 18+
Those who are 16 or 17 may be considered depending on personal suitability.
All personal safety equipment is provided.

Ball Diamonds
Contact Carolyn Reich
Ph:(587) 991-9727
Email: calahooarena@gmail.com
Recreational Land
Contact Carolyn Reich
Ph:(587) 991-9727
Email: calahooarena@gmail.com

Calahoo Store
Ph: 780-967-2070
Mon-Thu: 7:00am – 8:00pm
Fri: 7:00am – 9:00pm
Sat: 8:00am – 9:00pm
Sun: 9:00 am – 7:00pm
Golden Agers
Meet every second Wednesday of the month at the Calahoo Fire Hall.
Meetings are followed by card games, floor curling and many more activities and lunch.
Come join us! Catch up with old friends, make some new ones and try some fun activities and group outings!


Alliance Church
#14, 54500 Range Rd 275, Sturgeon County, Alberta, T8R 1Z1
Ph: (780) 267-5450
Email: calahooalliance@gmail.com
Website: calahooalliancechurch.com

St. Catherine’s Parish
#19, 54500 Range Rd 275, Sturgeon County, Alberta, T8R 1Z1
Ph: (780) 458-0722
St Peter’s Parish – Villeneuve
St. Charles Parish, Mearns
St. Emerence, Riviere Qui Barre
Parish Office: 55 54200 Range Road 265, Sturgeon County, AB., T8T 0E2
Parish Priest – Fr. Miguel Irizar – Phone/ Fax – 458-0722
Email: miguel.irizar@caedm.ca
Parish Secretary Jackie – 967-5084
Email – stpetersparish@cruzinternet.com
Pastoral Assistant Carol Chabot – Phone 780-939-0407
Email – clchabot@platinum.ca
Youth Minister Charmaine Krywko -Phone 780-459-8224
Email – charmainekrywko@gmail.com
Bulletin information – jackielawrence@hotlinkwireless.com, cc stpetersparish@cruzinternet.com –
Or phone 967-5084 (by Wednesday evening)